Farm & Food 4.0
International Congress Berlin
Farm & Food 4.0

06. November 2018

Pioneering AgTech

An agribusiness platform for start-ups and established businesses

By Josefin Lehmann

Prior to Farm & Food in January, we teamed up with the Start-Up Accelerator SmartHectar Innovation to organize the “Pioneering Agtech Breakfast” in Berlin. Our host was Dr. Henning Ehlers, Managing Director of the German Raiffeisen Association.


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Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen’s principles are based on self-help, self-responsibility and self-organisation. Dr. Henning Ehlers talks about what this means for the cooperation with start-ups in the agribusiness.

The “Pioneering Agtech Breakfast” aimed at the underrepresented field of seed financing or start-up collaborations in the German-speaking countries. Pioneering AgTech brings together cutting-edge start-ups and established companies in the agricultural and food industries. We bring together a global start-up network with leading agricultural and food know-how to identify new products and technologies and improve existing business models.

The focus is on practical examples and experiences from cooperation between established companies and start-ups in the agricultural and food industries.

Pioneering AgTech will also be one of the main topics at Farm & Food in Berlin on 21 January. Together with experts from BASF, KWS SAAT and Tengelmann Ventures, we will discuss how to achieve a competitive advantage in the age of digitization through collaboration with start-ups.

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