Farm & Food 4.0 2020
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Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie


BVE is the leading economic association of the German food industry. For more than 65 years, it has represented the cross-industry interests of food manufacturers vis-à-vis politics, administration, the media, society and market partners - worldwide. The central association based in Berlin is the point of contact for national politics; at the EU level, BVE has its own office in Brussels to promote the interests of the German food industry. Its work is important for international partners and institutions from politics and industry, as the structures and networks in Germany are difficult for foreign markets to penetrate and a central point of contact, for example for bilateral talks, is often in demand.

BVE's task is to promote economic and political framework conditions that enable German food manufacturers to act responsibly and entrepreneurially and secure the future opportunities of companies in the food industry in Germany. In addition, the BVE advocates less bureaucracy, less regulation, more freedom for food manufacturers and the personal responsibility of the citizens.